Are you the student’s parent/legal guardian?
Sorry, we cannot accept your application. The teaching parent must be the student’s parent/legal guardian.
Please review the parent requirements at
Please review the checklist to ensure you have everything before you get started.
Please make sure your driving log includes:
You will be required to upload the completion certificate and driving log. (Please note: Attachments must be attached as .pdf file)
Please verify all curriculum requirements have been met.
I/We certify that:
Do you have the approved course completion certificate?
You must have the approved course completion certificate or grade report to proceed. Find out more about the certificate at
Attachments must be attached as a .pdf file
Upload File(s): Please note you can upload more than one document at a time.
Do you have a completed driving log? Note: 30 hours of street or highway driving instruction including 3 hours night driving (sunset/sunrise) is required and needs to be reflected on your log.
Upload File(s): Please note you can upload more than one document at a time. Note: 30 hours of street or highway driving instruction including 3 hours night driving (sunset/sunrise) is required and needs to be reflected on your log. Please make sure your drive log includes details on skills covered, deficiencies, and improvements made on each drive.
Please click Next to fill out the Driving Log information.
Note: 30 hours of street or highway driving instruction including 3 hours night driving (sunset/sunrise) is required and needs to be reflected on your log.
Total Drive Time:
Do you need additional logs? NOTE: 30 hrs of drive time is required, including 3 hrs of drive time after sunset or before sunrise.
23. Date
24. Date
25. Date